The Real ART of Running

Run Streak at 79 Days and Counting

On May 1st I started my first run streak. It was a month-long streak with a virtual group called the Head Goat 50k in May. It was fun and after 31 straight days of running I felt like I had accomplished something new. So when June started I kept running. At least a mile a day. Most weeks in May I was running about 35 miles but I was getting pain in my Achilles tendon so I decided I better cut back. The first week of June I took down to 15 miles and then kept it around 25-30 miles a week for the month. When June ended and I was at 61 days straight I decided I might as well do a 100 day streak. My 12.5 miles today took me to 35 for the week and 79 days of running without missing a day. At this point 100 days seems very do-able. After that I’ll see how I feel and decide if I should keep going. 200 days? A year? Stay tuned!