The Real ART of Running

Take the Stairs

“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.” – PLATO

“Take the stairs.” – ART

This time of year, many people make a New Year’s resolution to exercise more. Maybe go to the gym, or bike or (hopefully) run more. But how many of them then sit at a desk for hours at a time? Or sit in front of the TV for hours without really moving? Or park as close to the building as possible? Or always use an elevator even if just going a few floors?

Instead of exercising more, most people can benefit by simply moving more. Okay, so I do enjoy the game of “find the closest parking spot”, but I’m pretty good about taking the stairs instead of elevators. If it’s five floors or less I’m taking stairs and inviting other people. Sometimes I get odd looks but most people will join me on the stairs and then when we get where we’re going they are breathing hard but actually have a burst of energy because they MOVED.

So, keep your resolution to exercise more, but make another one to take the stairs more often.