The Real ART of Running

Rock ‘n’ Roll Stacy!

Stacy at the Rock and Roll half
Stacy at the Rock and Roll half

One of the greatest things about running is that everyone can be a winner in a race.  Sure only one person can come in first place but all of us that run can be a winner if we hit our goal.  Maybe that goal is to beat your best previous time or maybe it’s just to finish.   

My friend Stacy was running her first half-marathon last Saturday at the Seattle Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon event.   Participating in a large running event like that can be intimidating even to seasoned runners.  And for a first-timer it can really throw you.  But Stacy was determined to reach her goal of finishing so she focused on that and ignored the noise. 

Even though I don’t think she had ever run 13.1 miles before, Stacy was in it to win it and finished strong.  So to Stacy and everyone else who meets your goal at a race this summer – “Great job.  You are a Winner!”