Hollywood is Still the Same
About a year ago I posted on my old blog after a trip to Hollywood and Los Angeles, CA.
You can read that post here – https://therealartofrunning.com/two-sides-to-every-story/
Well, last week I was back in LA visiting my son. We had a great time and even spent a day at Disneyland with my granddaughter. Lots of fun!

We walked a few blocks of the Hollywood “Walk of Fame” on our way to In-n-Out Burger and I was disappointed (but not surprised) to see the homeless problem in Hollywood hasn’t changed. Very sad to see people struggling to survive in a city surrounded by people with so much money. Although, in fairness, I have run in a number of big cities while traveling – San Francisco, Chicago, NYC, Cleveland, Charlotte, Miami, Nashville, and more and I see it everywhere. I don’t have a solution, but I know what we do now as a nation is not working.