The Real ART of Running

Yes, it’s Hot. But it’s a tradition.

IMG_3349If it’s July 4th in Frankenmuth, MI it’s probably 80 degrees and full sun. But it’s also time for the Volkslaufe. The “People’s Race” has been a July 4th tradition since 1976. I first heard of this race in about 1985 when I started dating my wife. Frankenmuth is her home town so as long as we were there on the 4th I decided to run it. In those early years it was a family event. My wife, sons, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews all ran or walked one of the events, either the 20k, 10k, 5k or kids 2k fun run. However, in recent years that’s changed. The last several years I would drive up and race it by myself then drive home. I’ve probably run this 10k at least 30 times so if I’m around I’ll plan to keep running it.

This year was different for other reasons as I had other nieces and nephews running it and even a great-nephew in the fun run. They all got to experience the 80+ degree heat but they pressed on.

As far as my race time, I didn’t set a PR or even beat my last couple of years. But as I age, I am getting a little smarter about some things. Like choosing my battles or deciding it’s better to live to fight another day. So this year was a year to enjoy the views as I ran with hundreds of others through the corn fields, rolling farmland and friendly neighborhoods of Frankenmuth. A tradition I hope to continue for years.