The Real ART of Running

The New Year Natural Break

It’s a new year.  A natural break in life that many people use to get a fresh start.  A time to get organized, list goals, stop bad habits and start good habits.  A time to look back at the year gone by and remember the good and bad but, more importantly, a time to look ahead.  Ahead to the possibilities.   

Did you accomplish all you wanted to running-wise in 2008?  Maybe your goal was to finish a marathon, or beat your best 5k time.  Maybe your goal was to lose weight or run three days a week for 30 minutes.  Whatever it was – whether you met it or not – it’s gone.  Forget about it.  You can’t change it, fix it or relive it.  But you can learn from it.

What will you change in 2009?  What will you not change?  Maybe your goal is to keep doing exactly what you’ve been doing.  That’s great.  Or maybe you want to increase your miles or improve your time.  That’s great, too.  Just use this natural break to make a conscious decision about what you want to accomplish.  As someone once said – “if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably end up somewhere else”.

Although this blog is mostly about running, I encourage you to also think about bigger and, frankly, more important goals.  Relationships you want to improve or maintain, talents you want to acquire or improve, knowlegde you want to gain, and most importantly, faith you need to grow and live.  There’s no better time.