The Last Run of the Year

Happy New Year! Today is the last day of the year so I had to get a run in outside. Fortunately the weather cooperated, 36 degrees and no wind plus the city salted our streets this morning so last night’s snow was off the roads. Perfect. And my Bell’s Palsy has improved enough that I can run without my pirate patch. So, overall, a very good end to another very good year. Sure, 2009 had some challenges but no one promised us a rose garden (at least not in this life).
It’s not too early (or too late) to set your running related goals for 2010. Think big! Maybe you want to do your first marathon, or maybe your first 5k. Maybe you want to shave a few minutes off your 10k time or maybe simply run for 10 minutes without walking. A friend of mine sets goals in terms of total miles during a set period of time, for example, 100 miles between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Start thinking about what you want to accomplish and then increase it. Set a stretch goal and write it down. If you don’t you won’t meet it, it’s that simple. Setting and writing down doesn’t guarantee you will meet it but not setting guarantees you won’t.
I’m wishing all my readers a very healthy, happy new year. Keep running!