The Real ART of Running

Saturday Night Running

Saturday Night (Running) Fever

Do you ever wonder what people are thinking when they see you run past them?  I was wondering that this evening as I ran past lines of people going into bars and restaurants in downtown Ferndale, MI.  I usually run in the mornings but this weekend my schedule is different because of some work activities so I didn’t get a run in until Saturday night.  It was about 9:00PM when I was passing The Post, Como’s, A.J.’s, Buffalo Wild Wings, Rosie O’Grady’s and a few other places.  Most people just glanced at me and were indifferent, but there were certainly a few that I could tell were thinking, “what’s wrong with you?”  I may have gotten the strangest look from the two young women in their high-heels and short skirts heading into Boogie Fever for Disco night.  But then again, I probably gave them a strange look also.  Oh well, to each his own.