Running is the Ultimate Social Distancing Workout

A month ago almost no one had heard the term “social distancing”. Now we can’t get away from it.
The Coronavirus, COVID – 19, pandemic is causing turmoil and confusion across the globe including here in the US. The number of confirmed cases in the US increases significantly daily. Healthy people are being asked to self-quarantine if they have been close to an infected person. Public gatherings and events are being cancelled in an effort to slow the spread of the virus. Everything from major league sports (MLB, NBA, NHL) to college sports to university campuses and even Disneyland. And the running world is no exception. The popular New York City Half-Marathon has been cancelled and we just learned that the 124th annual running of the Boston Marathon has been postponed until September.
So, what’s a runner to do? I’m not a doctor (although I may have played one on occasion), but here are a few things to consider.
- Running may be the best workout for Social Distancing. We are being told to keep at least 6 feet between people. What if you still want a workout? Hit LA Fitness, Planet Fitness or your local gym and you’ll be rubbing shoulders with too many people to count. Not to mention touching all the equipment after they sweat on it. A solo run outside will give you a workout with no fear of invading someone else’s space.
- Running is not a contact sport. And you don’t need a team. I’ve always enjoyed the fact that when I want to run, I go run. No need to call friends and set a time to meet at a court or field.
- Races are optional. Yes, many runners enjoy racing and competing, but during this crazy time of social distancing and self-quarantines you can still run, train and get your exercise. Then when races are resumed you’ll be in better shape than the runners who took time off.
- You can change your route instantly. If you are running outside and see a group of people lined up around the block to get into the grocery store for food or toilet paper, you can just change direction, cross the street and keep running.
These are unique times in our world, but it helps to maintain consistency in your life where you can. For me, that means I’ll keep running.
Great information. Timely, helpful and extremely relevant.