The Real ART of Running

Rested Legs, Rested Mind, Fresh Start

Like most runners, if I go three or four days without running I feel anxious.  It feels like I’m not making progress even if I’m not training for a specific race goal at that time.  Runners just need to run.  Well this past week I was traveling with my family and our schedule was such that it was not convenient for me to get runs in.  (Meaning it would not have been convenient to them.) So, being the flexible family man I am I went a week without running.  The first few days I was concerned and really felt that I was missing something.  But as we were busy with travel and enjoying our time together I lost sight of my running.  In fact, although we were back home yesterday and I could have fit a run in I didn’t.  Yes, I thought about it but decided another day off was okay knowing I would get out this morning.  So as I headed out this morning for today’s run I had rested legs, a rested mind and felt fresh.  It didn’t hurt that the sun was shining and it was a comfortable 34 degrees.  To keep things new I ran a direction I rarely go and took some streets I’ve never run on before.  All in all this was a good week for running and not running.  My suggestion to you is to not get too hung up on your training routine that it dictates your life’s schedule.  Be flexible and things will fall into place.