Pushing The Eaglet Out of the Nest

My oldest son, Scott, left this week for his first year of college. Talk about mixed emotions! I’m sad to think about not having him here to talk to, shoot hoops with, play catch with and laugh with. But I’m also very excited for him to experience the variety of opportunities available at Ashland University and beyond.
On Friday night there was a “Farewell Dinner” available for freshman and their parents. Nothing fancy, just hot dogs and hamburgers, but it was a chance to have some final conversations before the parents told their kids they loved them and to not miss class. At dinner the president of AU made a few remarks. He told a brief story to the crowd of about 800 people. He said that when an baby eagle is born the parents bring food back to the nest until they think the eaglet is ready to survive on its own. Then they push the baby out of the nest and it flys away.
There certainly is a part of me that wanted to keep Scott in the nest and protect him from the world. But that’s not what he needs. He needs to fly and learn how to survive on his own.
I’m not sure if eagle parents let their baby eaglets come back to the nest after they push them out or not. But we will certainly be waiting with open wings when Scott wants to come home for a visit.
(So what does this post have to do with running? Well, as I ran this morning my mind kept thinking about all the things I hope and pray for Scott. So to me it fits. Does that count?)