LLL Men’s Retreat: A Great Place to get Refreshed and Refueled.

Golf, food, beer, softball, playing cards, – sounds like any other guys weekend up north, right? Well, add in Bibles, prayer, lectures and 175 men singing “Let There Be Peace on Earth” and you’ve got the 63rd annual Lutheran Laymen’s League Men’s Retreat at Camp Arcadia.
Always held the first weekend after Labor Day, the LLL Men’s retreat is a time of fellowship, faith and fun. It’s a chance for old friends (some of whom have been attending for decades) to reunite, and for first-timers to make new friends. It’s a time for relaxation at the golf tournament or playing cards or ping-pong in the Wigwam. It’s a chance for some good-natured competition at the annual softball game pitting the Southeast District against the underdog Michigan District. But most importantly, it’s a time to pause, think and grow in your faith. To get encouraged by excellent speakers who entertain and enlighten while acknowledging the unique struggles Christian men face in today’s world. And also, for this runner, a chance to log a couple of short five mile runs through a classic, small northern Michigan town with scenic overlooks along the Lake Michigan shoreline.