The Real ART of Running

Hello world!

A friend of mine said anyone can write a blog, just write about something you’re passionate about.  I’m passionate about running.  And Life.  I figured Life encompasses a lot so that might translate into entries about my family, faith, work, friends, and more.

I’m not sure how often I’ll update this.  Probably weekly but if something seems interesting in between then I’ll try to update it more often.

I’m guessing that if you’re reading this you probably already know me. Maybe that’s not the case.  Maybe there really are people that just search for blogs on different topics and read them.  If that’s you then Hello.  Nice to meet you.  Feel free to add comments and get dialogue going.  I hope some of what I put on this site will make you think.  I also hope some of it will encourage you to start running or keep running.  It’s your choice.