The Real ART of Running

Enjoy the Flexibility of Saturday

I just finished a nice 8 mile run.  I like Saturday runs when the sun is out because it’s a welcome change from the dark early morning weekday runs.  Saturday’s give me a little flexibility in my schedule.  During the week if the roads are too snow-covered I can’t wait it out and run later in the morning.  Today the roads were slick first thing so I did a few other things around the house then went out and got my haircut.  By noon the sun was out and traffic had melted much of the snow on the roads. It was still cool at 22 degrees but that sun made it bearable.  I layered up and headed out.  Overall it was a good run other that the stretches where people hadn’t cleared the snow from their sidewalk.  That affected my time but on a bright Saturday I didn’t mind the slower pace.