Cleveland Rocks!

Who knew running in downtown Cleveland at 7:00AM could be interesting? I was staying at the Ritz in downtown Cleveland for a few days this week while attending meetings at Quicken Loans Arena (home of the Cleveland Cavaliers.) Both Monday and Tuesday mornings I went out for a run just before 7:00AM. I didn’t think I’d see much traffic or action but I was wrong. There were buses and people walking on every street. The city actually felt active. As I’ve mentioned in other posts, I tend to get lost in unfamiliar areas so my run was a fairly straight shot up one main street until the active business district turned into what appeared to be the abandoned warehouse district, then cutting over a few blocks to another busy street and heading back. It was interesting to see the downtown from another view but I could tell by the odd looks I got that these early morning workers were not used to seeing a runner cruising through downtown in the morning darkness. That just added to the fun.
Cleveland Rocks!