1165 Miles in 2019

Cold Symptoms Set Me Back
The last month of 2019 didn’t go exactly as I had planned. As the graph above shows, my weekly mileage for December was well below average. That’s the result of early winter cold germs being passed around in the office and at home. I was hit with a cold, cough, headaches and general “feeling like crap” for over two weeks. In past years I would have run through it but that never seemed to work and only extended the symptoms. So this year I took time off hoping it would pass sooner. I’m not sure that made a difference.
Exceeded My Goal
Even with lower mileage those last several weeks I was happy to pass 1150 miles this year and hit 1165. This was my highest total since 2016 which was my last full marathon year. My goal was 1000 miles so I’m happy to exceed that again this year. I always have mixed emotions with a goal like this. Pleased that I exceeded it, but slightly disappointed that I didn’t do more. I guess maybe that’s okay.

2020 Goals
Now it’s on to 2020. I haven’t thought about my running goals for the year other than to top this year’s total. Beyond that I want to keep competing and pushing for top 3 finishes. I’m not sure about a full marathon this year but I haven’t ruled it out. Definitely a few halfs but I haven’t decided which ones. Maybe a destination race somewhere. Let me know if you have any recommendations!
Art. I think I told you I registered for a half outside Seattle last July. I do not do it due to tendinitis. Anyway my brother did run it and said was a very cool. Gradual down hill rail trail. Called Jack and Jill marathon North Bend Washington.