Change of Season Means Change Your Running Gear

After months of throwing on shorts and a T-shirt to head out for a Summer morning run it takes some planning to adjust to the Fall mornings. My outdoor thermometer read 42 degrees at dawn this morning. That is more than T-shirt weather.
The trick to dressing for cooler weather is not to overdress. It’s easy to think you need multiple layers when the temp drops into the 40’s, but remember that your body will quickly warm up once you start moving. Dress for temps about 10 degrees warmer than the actual temp when you start.
One of my favorite pieces of gear over the last few years has been a Brooks vest. If the temperatures are in the 40’s like now, a vest is all I need over a light-weight long sleeve technical shirt. It’s wind-resistant and water-repellant which comes in handy in Michigan. I’ve done Fall and Spring runs where I’ve had sun, rain, hail, snow and wind all in the course of a 10 mile run. Pure Michigan.
In college I knew a guy from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula who ran all year in shorts. His theory was that if your spine was covered your legs wouldn’t get cold. I’m not sure I believe that but I do know too many people wear running pants or tights way before they actually need to. Your legs are constantly moving while you run so they heat up quickly. I suggest shorts until there’s snow on the ground or temps in the 20’s.

So, bottom line, for Fall temps in the 50’s keep the shorts but switch from T-shirt to long sleeve technical shirt. When temps dip into the 40’s thrown on a light-weight vest. In the northern part of the US you should now be all set until December.